
Creating my own VPN

Hello guys, After a long time, I’m here to create another post to how to create a vpn with a vps.

Select a VPS Service

On this days a lot of vps service are online, I prefere to choose does who are offshore vps services to avoid the police(this is for educational only for my safety!!!). If you want a recommendation, buy a vps with unlimited traffic(or 2 TB). And 1Gbps velocity is good. And the other like cpu and ram doesn’t matter.

I give a link of my friend of Doxbin who run a site who select a few good vps services. I Choose a debian 11 OS



First of all

apt update && apt upgrade -y

So, Now is the moment to create a safe environment on our server.

First we need to create a username and put a passwd for the acc.

useradd -d /home/GOD -m -s /bin/bash GOD
passwd GOD
apt install sudo 
usermod -aG sudo GOD

Now we have on sudoers GOD. After that we need to change to GOD to not use a the root acc.


Local Machine

Let’s now create the id_rsa key, for this go to our local machine and create the key.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

Name of the file: debVpn
PassPhrase: PUTONEPLS https://passwordsgenerator.net/

After that, U need to transfer the .pub to the vps. So how we are GigaChads, we transfer that with scp.

scp debVpn.pub GOD@IP:

Vps Machine

su GOD
cd ~/
mkdir .ssh
cat debVpn.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys
rm debVpn.pub

Now let’s to configure ssh config,

sudo apt install vim
sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Change the follow parameters to create a sec ssh(don’t forget that the FBI need to launch a 0day to ur ssh)

PermitRootLogin no # Root acc is trash
PubkeyAuthentication yes
AuthorizedKeysFile  .ssh/authorized_keys .ssh/authorized_keys2
PasswordAuthentication no

After that restart the sshd service

sudo systemctl restart sshd

And u can now exit from the vps, and probe the new conf.

Local Machine

Now for the access need to type the follow command.

ssh -i .ssh/debVpn GOD@IP
Enter the passphrase for the key: THEPASS

Vps Machine

Also If u want to put a more restrict mode on the ssh I recommend to you touch the follow parameters on the ssh config

MaxAuthTries 2 # Limit Tries    
MaxSessions 1 # Limit Sessions

Finally let’s go to setup our openvpn server.

So First of all, install openvpn

sudo apt install openvpn -y

After we need to see this git repository who is a beautiful bash code.

sudo apt install wget
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/angristan/openvpn-install/master/openvpn-install.sh

Now execute this .sh with sudo privileges.

chmod +x ./openvpn-install.sh
sudo ./openvpn-install.sh
IPV6: n
port: 1194
Protocol: 1 UDP
DNS Resolvers: 11 AdGuard DNS
Compression: n
Encryption: n
Client name: VPN # Name of the .ovpn file
1) Add a passwordless client

So after that put our openvpn with 0log, for if the police raid the vps.

sudo vi /etc/openvpn/server.conf

verb 0 # Change 3 to 0, this is literally no log.
log-append /dev/null # Add
status /dev/null # Change

sudo systemctl restart openvpn

Local Machine

Now download ur .opvn with sftp.

sftp -i .ssh/debVpn GOD@IP
Enter passphrase: putpass

sftp> get VPN.opvn

So now we got the .opvn on our local machine xd.

For the connection type the follow command line

sudo openvpn --config VPN.ovpn 


DNS Leak

If u have the problem of the DNS Leak, maybe check ur /etc/resolv.conf and put inside of this the follow line

nameserver # Change if u have one put

So finally u make a GigaChad vpn service. So now, relax and still waiting the interpol raiding ur server xd.

But Pls let to Breached a tribute and for pom too.